Monday, 9 November 2015

Autumn Crafting

Pressing leaves

Pressing leaves

Cards made from leaf rubbings

Cards made from leaf rubbings

Cross stitch - in progress !

Today I thought I'd share with you some of the Autumn crafts I have been doing. I've been putting my flower press to good use by pressing some of the beautifully coloured leaves we've had this year. After they've been pressed I'll probably make them into greetings cards.

I've also been doing a lot of leaf rubbings and decided to make those into cards too. I went up into the attic where my stash of card-making materials are and hunted out the background papers I had with Autumnal colours and designs. I'm really pleased with how the cards have turned out. For the leaf rubbings I used Stockmar beeswax crayons which are a dream to work with - the colours are really vivid and they blend together very well. Much better than my cheap £1.00 Wilkinsons wax crayons ;)

I've also been working on a Christassy cross stitch design for the last couple of weeks. I finished the mouse and mistletoe a while ago but the background is taking forever. It'll probably take me another couple of weeks of doing a few stitches here and there to get finished. And then when it is finished ? I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet - maybe make a card, maybe put it in a little frame... Watch this space !

I also bought some Christmassy material today to make jam/jelly pot covers for giving our homemade produce as gifts at Christmas. I have cut some circles but need to go into my Christmas craft stash to find some ribbons and cute bits and pieces to finish those off. Again, watch this space - pictures to follow !

Finally, this picture was too cute not to post - Lovely Hubby with our darling girl, Whiskers, having a snooze on the sofa !

What craft things have you all been up to lately ?

Fiona x


  1. The only crafty thing I have done lately are the patchwork quilts, what a fantastic idea, you have inspired me I will be looking out for a flower press now, would love to see what else you use your flower press for, x

  2. We used to press flowers in heavy books between sheets of tracing paper when I was a child. They were so pretty. Your cards are lovely X

  3. aahh lovely I gathered some yellow leaves last week and they are currently pressed between some books I was going to stick them onto some plain candles for Christmas :-) yours will lovely on cards. Happy crafting, dee x

  4. I am intrigued as to what you do with the leaves once you have pressed them, I do hope you will share.......we love Stockmar crayons too :)

  5. I love pressing leaves, it's so nice to be able to save some of the prettiest ones. I like your Christmas cross-stitch, it's adorable. I'm crocheting a lot, sewing a little, hoping to start a new cross-stitch project for my kitchen sometime this winter. :)

  6. Thanks for all your comments, ladies ! I love pressing flowers and leaves - to make cards and bookmarks but I might put my pressed leaves into a nature journal which I am starting. This will incorporate poems about the seasons, photos, things like pressed leaves and snippets of my daily life - all with a nature/seasonal theme. I'll post some pics once it's up and running.
    Jennifer, I really want to get started on crochet. I'm doing the cross-stitch because it's easy. I have some nice designs which I could email to you if you wanted :)
