Sunday, 15 November 2015


 This weekend has been a time for preparations - stocking up on food for our pantry from Aldi for the coming months, filling buckets with wood for the fire, making pretty our jars of home made produce to be given as Christmas gifts, baking cupcakes to take for my work colleagues on Tuesday, preparing to go swimming for the first time in over 10 years tomorrow and then to lessons a week on Tuesday ...

Sometimes we overlook how much we have achieved, thinking only of the jobs we didn't achieve. It's important to take stock and note your achievements, however small.

I hope you've all had a good weekend

Fiona x


  1. That is so true. It is all too easy to look at your list of things to do and notice what you haven't done. Here's to celebrating achievements however small!

    Your jars of preserves look lovely :)

  2. Yes, this is so important. I feel the same way. I always try to notice the small things I have achieved, rather than fret about the bigger ones I'm still working on. It's never easy, but it helps me a lot. I love the look of your preserves and cakes, just lovely. Take care and have a good week.

  3. Your preserves are beautiful. What lovely gifts.
