Monday, 22 June 2015

Allotment Diaries

Yesterday I spent some time up at the allotment taking photographs while my husband caught up on some weeding. I am proud of his dedication when it comes to the allotment - I quickly realised that although I like the idea of growing my own fruit and vegetables on a plot, the reality involves a LOT of hard work - planning, back-breaking digging and constant watering and weeding - and if I'm being honest with myself, I just wouldn't be up to the job. So, we have my husband alone to thank for bringing us all our fresh produce, Tom and Barbara (The Good Life) style. 

After our spot of bad luck the night before we drove down to Dorset (gale force winds took out our netted cabbage house which in turn mowed down most of our peas and beans) things are starting to get back on an even keel and we've had lots of donations of plants - cabbages, beans, sprouts, etc. Our little plot is looking really good :)

The peas are starting to flower

The strawberries need a lot of sunshine to ripen !

Here are some pictures of an allotment neighbour's plot. I love her knitted bunting and numbers !

And this amazing globe artichoke !

One of the nicest things about our allotments is that in the adjacent field there are alpacas !

And my favourite character, the donkey, whom we've named Don Quixote ...

The day finished with a glorious rainbow ...

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